2019 Annual Report
Regularly-scheduled events
- Radio Mondays/Project Night
- Led by president Justin Corwin, this weekly special interest group covers radio in all its forms
- Ham Radio test prep classes to help participants get their amateur radio license
- Mega Take Apart
- Monthly community event for people to bring their unwanted electronics
- We take apart the donations for useful parts and make sure the remains are properly disposed
- Tuesday member meetings
- Weekly show-and-tell for members and the public
- Wearables Wednesdays
- Monthly event for people to show off and talk about their wearable projects
- Projects include companion robots, LED jewelry and clothing, and cosplay
- Coding Social
- Community event to help attendees learn and improve their coding skills
- Attendees can work on their own projects or learn how to code
- CRASH Space has many skilled coders who are happy to help others learn
- https://www.meetup.com/CRASH-Space/events/267718986/
- 3D Printer Palooza
- Monthly event to introduce people to 3D printing, and help people fix and optimize their 3D printers
- Patching Circle
- Special interest group for patching-style programming languages such as Pure Data and Max/MSP
- Attendees can work on their own projects or learn how to use these languages, which are often used by musicians and artists
- Prestidigitators Anonymous
- Special interest group for enthusiasts of magic
- DND Gamenights
- Special interest group for role playing games
- CRASH Movie Night
- Social gathering to watch movies and eat snacks
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/04/video-dim-sum-20-april-2019/
- DC310 Monthly Security Presentations
- Music hackers
- Special interest group for DIY musicians
- Attendees can work on individual projects, get help from others, or show off their work
- https://www.youtube.com/musichackers
- 3D Printing 101
- 3D Printing 101 teaches the basics of 3D printing
- This hands-on class lets students print their own thing to take home
- Intro to CNC
- Class to teach how to use the CNC router
- This hands-on class leads students to design their own sign and carve it out of wood
Special Events
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/10/where-do-species-show-up-together-and-why-it-may-matter/
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/05/late-night-with-hackerboxes/
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/05/the-global-microbiome-conservancy-the-race-to-preserve-the-species-in-our-feces/
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/04/aprilfoolsohardnestedeggs/
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/02/project-coastlight-measuring-light-pollution-in-coastal-california/
- https://blog.crashspace.org/2019/02/electronic-frontier-foundation-visits-crash-space-in-march/
Member Accomplishments
- Barb Makes Things
- Weekly videos on unique projects, making, and maker education
- http://youtube.com/BarbMakesThings
- Levi’s code and publications
- Coding for science
- https://github.com/levisimons
- Oyster gut microbiome
- California stream ecology
- Coastal light pollution
- https://github.com/levisimons
- Publications
- Using alpha, beta, and zeta diversity in describing the health of stream‐based benthic macroinvertebrate communities
- Using co‐occurrence network topology in assessing ecological stress in benthic macroinvertebrate communities
- Coding for science
- Behnam Osroosh
- Camera slider, with tilt, pan and focus puller
- I’ve made this slider for making stop motions as Shoot-Move-Shoot. The controller is an Arduino Mega which is connected via USB to my computer running a software called Dragonframe. It works in both horizontal and vertical setups.
- A short video of the slider in action: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBr3ZubAweb/
- XY motorized winding rig for stop motion
- I’ve designed it according to GT2 timing belt standards. So I’ve used a 20 teeth bore belt pulley on stepper motors as a pinion, and a laser cut Acrylic as the rack.
- Rig in action:https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcZhnihfcg/ (Second slide)
- Camera rig for profile to overhead shots
- I use this one for a smooth camera move from profile view to overhead. I cut the parts from MDF on Crash Space CNC.
- Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ibwBPgXLj/
- Camera slider, with tilt, pan and focus puller
Membership Report
CRASH Space is a member supported organization, and most of our operating expenses are covered by our membership dues.
Our membership numbers have been stable, trending slightly upwards over the last five years.

These numbers represent the number of persons who paid dues at some point during the calendar year, and do not represent total members at any given time.
In addition to paid members, we have four lifetime members, for a total of 107 members during 2019.
Financial Report
CRASH Space continues to be financially stable
2018 | 2019 | |
Cash and other assets | $84,938.87 | $96,565.59 |
Liabilities | $2,987.98 | $2,405.68 |
Equity | $81,950.89 | $94,159.91 |
Total liabilities and equity | $84,938.87 | $96,565.59 |
2017-18 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report