Membership Benefits

Regular and Superuser Benefits:

  • Access to an amazing group of talented people, in person and via the members-only email group
  • Access to the Crash Space facility and shop tools whenever a keyed member is present
  • Free admission to various paid events when you staff the Crash Space table
  • Available for adults over the age of 21

Additional Superuser (Keyed) Benefits:

  • 24/7 access to the space and tools
  • Your own locker (subject to availability)

CRASHSpace is a community. In keeping with that, members are expected to join for a minimum of three months (i.e. don’t join to use the laser cutter and leave after a month). All members are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct. In addition, all members are required to lead at least one class, workshop, or event each year. This can be as simple or complex as you like, and on whatever topic interests you. Contact our Vice President with any questions or to schedule a class.