Radio Mondays: basic electronics, soldering, assembly, debugging (January 10th)
Monday, 8pm at the space!
The first in a regular series of elementary classes. This week I’ll be going over basic electronics, the hows and whys, and the core hobbyist skills required, like soldering, reading schematics instructions and diagrams, using a multimeter.
No experience is required, and you will get a chance to solder, screw, and probe things in the name of science! Free for members, donation recommended for visitors.
If you can’t make it next week, this class will repeat several times through the year. Frequency to be determined by demand.
If you already know the basics, you should come anyway and help assist newbies. Also, the plan is to have a group project of some kind that requires a lot of soldering or assembly for people to work on, so you can help with that. I myself find long simple soldering jobs to be restful.
Coming January 17: Ham Radio Basics: What you need to get your Technician Class License.