DFN Happy Hour No. 36: More progress!!
Coming up Friday at 5:30 pm PST members Barb Noren (BarbMakesThings) shows off her prep for the ArtShow, Tod Kurt (todbot) makes an LED dream blanket and Carlyn Maw (carlynorama) starts to see the light.
Last Week Redux: January 15, 2021
Beverages Consumed
- Barb: Hibiscus Tea
- Tod: Tribunal Wine
- Carlyn:
- Amass Gin 2 oz (cardamom is a major player in this gin)
- Rose Hip Tea 1 oz
- Lime 2 oz
“Thanks for Existing!” Awards
- Barb: Liz Hickok’s Jell-O architecture
- Tod: Hot Sauce place
- Carlyn: Lucy Bellwood 100 Demon Dialogs #40 (as seen in project)
Misc Links
This Week Preview
This week, I’ve been getting into more of the details and fleshing out the space to be consistent. I’ve finished recreating any parts that belonged to someone else, so the graphics are all now mine, and all of the things that are currently in the space are more or less finalized elements (okay, some could really use updating). That’s not to say that it’s finished, there’s more to add, but what’s there is pretty much meant to be there.
I’ve also done a lot of poking into perspective, as I want some amount of consistency. It’s interesting to get into the details of various points of view used in different video games (since that’s the best comparison of this platform). That’s really the intention, is to have this be something like a video game with a lot to see and do, but with very simple controls. Check out this good primer on graphical projections in video games with examples if you’re curious. I’m doing my things more or less with 2-point perspective, but this is a bizarre kinda situation still in progress and is still a little frankenstein in places. In any case, here are some images of the latest progress.
For this week I’ve been playing around with adding LEDs to some hexagon packing material. Using some of that WS2812-compatible RGB LED Xmas lights string from a set I thought I blew up. Turns out to look pretty cool. The LEDs are just taped to the back. (Carlyn says: this is an amazing LED dream blanket and I want a giant one to sleep under)

I’m still not sure that I’m really alive and we really made it through this week. I’m a good kind of stunned. I’ve done nothing but boggle at the sky, amazed that it’s still there.
For reference: Amanda Gorman “The Hill We Climb” (Amanda Gorman reminded America what poetry can do) (Direct to video and lyrics)
Also: https://mobile.twitter.com/Marketplace/status/1352386787700781058 Janet Yellen get’s the Hamilton Music treatment via Marketplace and Dessa
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