Shop Sunday Shows off its Threads (Feb 12 at Noon)
Crash Space has a whole new Bimonthly Event called Shop Sunday, focused on exploring the tools and methods used to make everything from toasters to rockets.
This week’s Shop Sunday will be all about Threads!. Tapping, Die Cutting, and using a lathe to cut threads, will all be demonstrated and you’ll even get to tap and fit check a hole! We’ll also go over the various uses and applications of threads, from ball screws and power screw applications to fasteners and Bolted Sections. We should be covering the basics and simple equations, and also go into more depth for things people are interested in.

Shop Sunday is hosted by Kyle Cothern, a Launch Ops Engineer from SpaceX who has 6 years experience working in development shops for various mechanical design projects.
Shop Sunday will start at noon and go till 3pm on February 12th, and will happen every other Sunday in an ongoing fashion, similar to Radio Mondays. It’s free for members and a recommended contribution of 15$ for non members. Topics covered should eventually teach anyone interested how to use the tools available at the space. Special Projects crop up once every month or so as well.

If you’re interested in hosting a Shop Sunday, or would like a specific topic covered at one in the future, let us know! The meeting will be an open format for interested tinkerers of all experience levels who like getting their hands dirty with design and fabrication of mechanical widgets.
Happy Friday too everyone!
– Kyle