MEGA TAKE APART and Swap Meet: December 11th
This saturday at Crash Space: another MEGA TAKE APART, where we’ll take and process donations of all kinds for the good of the space and our landfills.
Recycling and properly disposing of ewaste is extremely important, because many of the electronics we use are not designed to last for very long, or be upgraded or fixed properly. As a result, we have a glut of obsolete, partially broken, and simply unloved objects in our culture.
Luckily, we at the space have a surfeit of time and tools to use many of these objects, repairing, disassembling them for parts, and reusing them for our own purposes. That which we can’t use will be properly disposed of via a green ewaste company we have a relationship with.
From the hours of 12 to 4, drop by the space with any donations you’d like us to take off your hands.
Members are welcome to come by to help with the processing, or to claim particular items for personal projects.