Looking for Sponsors
As we begin to get everything in order to open we begin getting bills which means we begin needing to find ways to pay those bills. Obviously the goal is to be 100% membership supported but there is a lot of overhead to get the ball rolling and that’s why we are looking to sponsors to help us get the doors open. So what are we looking for and what will that get you?
Sponsoring Crash Space is all about the publicity. Depending on the level of sponsorship a company is interested in their name and logo will be featured on this site and prominently within the space itself – specifically on a big banner we’ll be hanging on a wall in the main room. This means it will be very visible during all classes, all meetings, all photos taken and all videos made during the length of the sponsorship. Additionally we are planning to document the first year in detail (potentially for a book or something) and obviously sponsors will be given good coverage in that. We are open to other ideas as well.
We are accepting a limited number of sponsorships in 30 day ($1500), 6 month ($6000), and 1 year chunks ($10,000) and will likely only have one sponsorship drive ever, so if this is something your company might be interested in this is single chance for that to happen. A few of the spots are already spoken for which is exciting for all. All funds raised will go towards opening the physical location and buying equipment we need to make it work.
While we certainly could take our time and raise the funds from member dues we felt it was better to get up and running quickly and wanted to give this opportunity to some companies who have been very supportive of the LA tech scene in the past. We are hoping to move in mid December and be up and running by January 1. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in talking more about, please leave a comment or contact me at sean at seanbonner.com.