Video Dim Sum 46: A series of inside jokes and moving memes
I’m tired of my bad habits, what should I do ?
Apply them to novel situations.
How’s this going to work?
Easy, just email me ( any Youtube video under 5 minutes by the end of Friday January 17th and I’ll add it to the VideoDimSum playlist. Try to make sure it’s not one of the videos we’ve posted before. You want to be unique right?
6:30pm Saturday 18 January 2025.
CRASH Space: 10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232. In real life.
Will there be food?
Please. Will you do your part?
Rules? Rules.
1. The Buzzer of Pain.
If a video is so egregious that you find it necessary TO MAKE IT STOP then you can skip the playlist one video by pressing, along with two more people, the Buzzer of Pain.
2. No side convos.
MST3K style comments about the on-screen content are fine, but if you wanna have a kiki we have side rooms for that.
3. No time hogging.
If you submit several videos that are too similar in content the co-hosts, Rachel and Levi, have the authority to bump your video(s) to the next set or veto altogether.
4. Limit videos with strobing lights.
Let’s try to be more mindful of our light sensitive friends so we don’t make them miserable.
We’re stoked to see so much enthusiasm about this event. Let’s keep it fun and enjoyable for everyone!
The Management
Lindsey Mysse invited me, excited! Will bring baked goods.