Tuesday Sweep: 27 June 2017
Welcome to your weekly reminder to back up your data, update software and otherwise pay attention to your digital environment. (Oh, and to come to the CRASH Space meeting…)
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- Welcome. If you haven’t been following along, it’s okay. You’re not behind, you’re just where you are.
- I highly recommend the coach tool at the Crash Override Network has a great step by step break down for many of the same introductory steps we did here.
- Feeling more ambitious? Review the list of OneThing articles and pick one to catch up on.
The basics.
- Updated software recently? Pick a new device to check on today.
- Backups still up and running? When was the last time you made a clean disk image? Here’s a new great article on how to design a backup system.
- App and Password Gardening: Delete a low quality app from your phone or delete an account that you don’t need that doesn’t make you happy. Digital cruft builds up. Delete it. If you’re keeping it, can you move the password to your password manager (delete it from everywhere else) and add two factor authentication?
- Move to offline archive & delete your histories where you can find them.
- Double check privacy settings on your phone, social media accounts. The folks running the companies can change the TOS and add “features” before you notice them.
Learn: Weekly Round Up
Where do you scan for news?
- Computer generated dinosaurs made of flowers by Chris Rodley. via BoingBoing
- The big news of the week. Google will no longer scan emails. This is a major win, but it doesn’t fix the protocol or other problems. Nor will this hurt their revenue, because they have other options for targeting users. However, but they are exposing some of those more, too. Mood: Intrigued, cautiously optimistic, wary.
- I’m very short on time today, I’ll admit. But I don’t want shortness of my time doesn’t mean YOU shouldn’t do the sweep! So I’m going to provide links to my current 4 always-look sources for where I look to decide what to post. Thank you for your patience!
- Ars-Technica Policy Feed
- The SANS newsletters (Mentioned Last Week)
- Bruce Schneier
- Tuesday Twitter List
Feeling dumb or stupid about how not-l33t you are? Angsting over some silly thing you “know better than to do.” Stop. That isn’t useful. Regret is only of use if it prompts an actual change in behavior. Maybe it’s NOT you that sucks. Could be it’s the technology and you could come up with a fix that would help lots of people. Look forward and make a plan.
We are a community. You are a welcome part of it.