Tuesday Sweep: 2 May 2017

My heart made that glowstick cracking noise, with the blue sadness leaking out. It made that noise twice on Saturday night. Once when the very nice young woman said she was surprised I was so technical because I seemed so artsty. (I was wearing a scarf?)  The second crunch landed when a different even younger woman agreed that folks are either creative or technical, and, further, she said that she was not creative which is why she’d do just fine in computer science.

My goal for me in this shockingly common situation has always been not to react to the ooze starting to cover my face. The job is to smile, to recruit, to teach about creative coding and STEAM initiatives. The job is to tell these young folks that they don’t have to layer their fantastical dreams away in tissue paper to be engineers or simply to do some engineering.  Even though I know how hard it’s been for me.  It should be easier for them. Please let it be easier for them. Please help me make it easier for them.

I need even more evidence, so this Tuesday Sweep I’d like to make a request. I’d like to add a new item to the check list. Please make sure to publish your crazy projects and the things that you’ve learned. Even if they seem little and stupid. Especially if they seem little and stupid.  If you’re a member do it here. Do it on hackaday.io. Put it on instructables, your own site. Also especially on places where the someone might randomly run into it. Instagram, Youtube, where ever. Publish. Publish. Publish. Wear your projects on you back pack.  Put them up in your cubicle. Carry them around on your phone. Print out a function you’re particularly proud of on archival paper and frame that sucker up.  There is a whole new generation with the exact same hang ups as before. STILL! We must show them!

The technical is creative and the creative is technical.  If any city in the world can show that off, it’s us here in LA. We know this message here at CRASH Space. Let’s show it!

Weekly Round Up

Where do you scan for news?


This list will be getting longer, but lets keep it simple while folks are still setting up.


What’s are the frictions keeping you from doing “what’s right”? Regret is only useful if it leads to a plan on how to improve.

Continuing Set Up

We’ve covered so much so fast. You’re not behind, you’re just where you are. Pick something to do.

  • If you’re having trouble with all the set up, the coach tool at the Crash Override Network has a great step by step break down for many of the same introductory steps we did here.
  • Review the list of OneThing articles so far and pick one to catch up on.


We are a community. You are a welcome part of it.

  • NEW: Did you learn something cool in your sweep? Make something? Share it!
  • Speak up
  • Give
  • Show up at CRASH Space tonight!


I make things that do stuff. The best, though, is teaching others to do the same. Founder of @crashspacela Alum of @ITP_NYU

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