My Little FLOnieSS: Open Source is Magic
Hear ye, hear ye! There’s a new monthly meetup brewin’ at Crashspace!
WHEN: Monthly starting May 8th, every first Thursday of the month. 8:00pm – 10:00pm
WHO: Open to the public!
HOW MUCH: FREE! (Donations dropped in the Crashspace donations jar are VERY appreciated!!)

Soon we will have a cool logo. Until then, please enjoy this amazing and strangely appropriate image by
Colin Adams and Lisa Wood
FLOSS: Free/Libre Open Source Software
If you love open source, come hang out with us! We’ll be working together to get started contributing to open source projects. Whether you have no idea how to get started, or already maintain a FLOSS project of your own, we’d love to have you by!
I’ve never been. Can I just drop in randomly?
YES! 😀 Find Michelle and she will introduce you to everyone.
Are there any pre-reqs?
NO! 😀
Do I have to know anything about open source at all?
NO! 😀
Do I have to stay the whole time, or arrive on time?
NO! 😀 But keep in mind that space at Crashspace is limited, and is first-come-first-serve.
Should I bring anything?
MAYBE! 😀 We have two desktops available. Bring a laptop if you can, use the desktops if you can’t
Are there any expectations for my behaviour?
YES! 😀 We follow the same Code of Conduct as Learn to Code with Us:
Please direct all other questions to