501(c)3 Status – Achievement Unlocked!!
Dear CRASH Space,
Late on Friday, in the middle of the dark Tejon pass, Tod quietly announced, “CRASH Space got its 501(c)3.” I hadn’t looked at my phone in hours (you know, driving) and immediately started bouncing up and down in my seat. It was the perfect apex of the holiday season for me. Santa couldn’t have done any better.
We first started moving the ball in this direction in October of 2010, finally submitting our application at the end of last year. We owe a special thanks to Noisebridge who posted all of their documents online and to our lawyer Tom Wrobel of the Non-Profit Legal Center who listened to me drone on and on about our concerns.
CRASH Space is a special community. You, CRASH Space community, you are curious and keep the doors open for all who want to share in The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. You are generous, taking time out of busy schedules to help strangers learn to code, fellow members learn how to use the laser cutter, teach school children to take things apart, to bring LEDs to the darkness of a winter night.
You are my tribe and it makes me proud.
With our status firmly in hand we’ll be able to apply for grants, reach out to local companies for donations and finally be able to improve some of our infrastructure – both physical and organizational.
That is all in support of you CRASH Space community – from key-holders to list-lurkers to those who don’t even know we are waiting for them yet. The zany crazy projects that no one else could think of or pull off. The warmth of a found family directed at all of LA County.
Fail. Fail. Fail. Win.