by CRASH Space and Fun-A-Day LA

Opening Weekend February 12-14, 2021

Virtual gallery doors open Friday, February 12th at 6 p.m.

In honor of the belated 10th anniversary of CRASH Space’s founding and the annual month-long art happenings run by Fun-A-Day LA, we bring you a big, collaborative virtual art show! Wander the virtual space and explore artworks by dozens of artists in a wide variety of media, including illustration, textiles, creative reuse, chalk on sidewalk, UV-reactive paint, generative digital art, 3D data visualization, glitch art video, magic, and more! Socialize via video with friends both old and new, attend talks, workshops, and panels by contributing artists.

Attendance is free. The VIP ticket option gets you a lasercut thank you token, CRASH stickers, your name listed on the website as a supporter, and more. This event is being put on entirely by volunteers and funded by CRASH Space, a 501(c)3 non-profit. Any donations you make to help offset the costs are much appreciated!

Featured works

Quicklinks to the installations also found in our Gather.