Want to host an event at Crashspace? Great! Here are some things you should know…
Scheduling and Planning
- Events should be relevant to Maker or Hacker interests, and fitting for a non-profit organization. Examples of relevant events: talks/classes by people knowledgeable in nerdy fields, workshops for making something, art gathering, party, etc. Examples of inappropriate events: campaign events, anything that violates the code of conduct.
- Check the Events Calendar and find an open date/time for your event. Please allow an hour between events to allow for everyone to set up and wrap up. If you are doing an event on a weekday, be aware that most people have day jobs; we have found that starting around 7:30 or 8 gives people enough time to arrive.
- If you have access to the calendar, go ahead and add it. If you don’t, send an email to events ·@· crashspace.org to schedule it.
- Members are expected to host at least one event or workshop each year. It doesn’t need to be super involved or flashy, it can even just be open hours where you have discussions about your interests that might appeal to other members.
- You do not need to be a member of Crash Space to hold an event here, but you do need a keyed member to agree to open the space and be the official host. If you do not know someone, contact “events ·@· crashspace.org” and we will try to find someone to host.
- The large room in the front of the space is open to the public. Events for members only can be held in any room.
Class and Materials Fees
- We have Eventbrite and Meetup accounts to list paid events. PLEASE DO NOT list paid events on your own accounts. This makes things much simpler for our bookkeeping. Even if you are not charging, Eventbrite or Meetup listings are good for gauging attendance.
- You may charge admission for classes and workshops. Admission is split 50/50 between the organizer and the space unless otherwise arranged.
- “By Donation” events are generally free for members, but non-members are asked to please donate to the space to attend. Recommended donation is $10 per person.
- “Set price” classes are generally offered at a discount to members, and at a flat price to the public. Fees from these classes are split 50/50 between the organizer and the space. Membership discount will be determined on a case by case basis.
- Materials: Crashspace may be able to reimburse part or all of the cost of materials if it is not added to your class fee. Please contact “events ·@· crashspace.org” for more information.
Advertising Your Event
- Post information and a description to the calendar and the public list
- Include what, when, and where, and links to information that will help people decide whether they want to attend. Include a link to the registration page, if there is one.
- If you don’t have write access to these, send the information to the Vice President or “membership ·@· crashspace.org” and ask them to post it for you.
- Get a photo/image for your listings
- Post it to the blog: https://blog.crashspace.org/wp-admin/post.php
- Email “membership ·@· crashspace.org” if you need access
- The blog will eventually tweet it @crashspacela… retweet this
- Optionally: Create a Facebook event
- Remind everyone at the next public meeting
- Remind everyone a week beforehand at the meeting and on the email list
- Plan to stay late and ask attendants if they want a tour of and to clean up the space
Arranging the Space
Virtual/Hybrid Events
Payments for Admission Fees
Document Your Event