CRASH Meetups

All meetups are open to nonmembers and attendees of all skill levels unless indicated otherwise. Whether you are brand-new to the craft or have advanced questions about a project you are working on, we’ve got you covered!

Check the calendar for when the next event will be hosted.

Weekly Meeting

Every week, we come together to talk about what we’re working on, what we’ve done recently, and what we have planned. If you’ve never been to CRASH Space before, this is a great time to come over and get a tour! If you have a project you’re working on, bring it over for show and tell.

[Every Tuesday]

Coding Social

Stop by to get your coding questions answered or just hang out on your laptop. We often provide new and fun snacks.

[Every Monday]

3D Printer Palooza

Have a MakerBot, RepRap, or other DIY 3D printer? Bring it and print up a storm, or get help if you’re having troubles with it. Interested in 3D printing? Come and see the printers and learn more.

[Monthly on the second Saturday]

Circuits Social

Get together to talk and learn about electronic components and circuits. Bring your questions, bring your projects, we’re here to help and learn.

[Monthly on the second Thursday]

Wearables Wednesday

Anything and everything wearable! Sewing, crocheting, leatherwork, cosplay, el wire, LEDs, smart watches, and more. We will be sharing, working on our own projects, and checking out wonderful wearables on the web.

[Monthly on the third Wednesday]


Read studies, learn more about the brain, and question the methodology and why certain groups would want to sponsor those studies (especially for those results).

[Monthly on the third Thursday]

Boardgame Night

Come join us and play board/card games! We have some at the space, feel free to bring your own if you want to share your fav.

[Monthly on the fourth Saturday]

Camera Collective

Do you have an interest in photography? Digital photography or film photography? Join us for the monthly camera collective meet up, where we will talk about photography from shooting images to displaying images.

[Monthly on the first Saturday]

Creative Writing Group

Come learn to write, work on exercises, or just cowork and develop your own story.

[Monthly on the first Saturday]

Patching Circle (Music)

Join other music programming enthusiasts for the return of our Patching Circle. Use Pure Data, Max/MSP, or whatever other language you like. No experience necessary, just come and play. Now featuring acoustic music as well, we welcome all afficionados.

[Monthly on the third Saturday]

Crafting Hangout

Let’s hang out to work on projects! Feel free to bring your own project and materials. All crafts welcome.

[Monthly on the second Sunday]

Drawing Group

Connect with fellow drawing enthusiasts of all levels!

[Monthly on the third Saturday]

Robo Sundays

Gather once a month to do anything and everything robot-related. If you have a project to bring, by all means bring it, but feel free to stop by to watch, learn, discuss, collaborate, be inspired, or just hang out!

[Monthly on the first Sunday]

Game Dev Night

Informal hangout for discussing game dev projects.

[Monthly on the second and fourth Wednesday]