Learn To Make A Video Game Purse

Functional purse with SNES controller that can play a multitude of ROMs with a Vox face screensaver. Runs on Retropie on a Raspberry Pi 3. Please be besties with me on Instagram if you also like Hazbin Hotel. Bonus transformation from Vox to BMO below the instructions.

Please note that this purse has terrible latency so only make this if you want to use it as a conversation starter, not to get your serious gaming time in.

Purse Supplies

Tools For Setup

  • Computer (image the SD card and download ROMs)
  • USB Stick (transfer ROMs)
  • USB Keyboard (plug into the pi for setup)
  • HDMI Monitor (plug into the pi for setup)
  • Ethernet cable (plug into the pi for setup)
  • SD Card Reader ( image retropie)
  • Superglue (glue the micro USB cable down on the purse)
  • Acrylic paint & brushes (paint Vox on purse)
  • Seam ripper (rip out the purse pockets to make room)
  • Xacto blade
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Tweezers
  • Miniscrewdriver (for the fastener screws)


  • Plug into pi:
    • USB keyboard
    • HDMI monitor
    • Wall Charger (or external battery but I haven’t tested that)
    • Wireless SNES controller
    • Ethernet cable
  • Put the Display on top of the Pi (there are no wires or soldering, you just stick it on top)
  • Download whatever ROMs you want (google is your friend) to your computer
  • Download Vox Faces to your computer
  • Set up Retropie
  • Transfer your ROMs and the Vox Faces using a USB stick
    • This is my fix that could probably be better, pick a random ROM folder and put the Vox Face files in it (write it down so you don’t forget, I personally choose snes)
  • Quit the emulator, and from the terminal, install the display
    • Do NOT use the virtual environment, skip straight to ‘Easy Single Command Install Options’
    • Make sure to use the ‘Mirrored Install Commands’ for ‘PiTFT 2.8″ Capacitive touchscreen’
  • Set the Vox Faces as the screensaver
    • From the emulator, hit start, UI Settings, Screensaver Settings
    • Set ‘Screensaver Behavior’ to ‘Slideshow’
    • Under Slideshow Screensaver Settings
      • Set ‘Stretch Image’ to ‘On’
      • Set ‘Use Custom Images’ to ‘On’
      • Set ‘Custom Image Dir’ to wherever you put the Vox Faces files, for example I put it in ‘/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes’
    • Test the screensaver by going back to the main screen and pressing select, if it works Vox’s face should show up
  • Setting up the pi is complete!


  • Cut the leather side flaps out of the front pocket (leave the edges sewn into the purse, it holds it together, otherwise it will fall apart)
  • Seam rip the card holder/mini wallets out of the front and back panel of the front pocket
  • Remove the front wallet pocket from the middle pocket. DO NOT REMOVE THE LEATHER SIDE FLAPS. It will be really hard to remove this, use any combination of ripping, seam rippers, and scissors you can. You just need it enough so that you can access the mounting screws at a later step.
  • Cut the leather side flaps out of the back pocket (leave the edges sewn into the purse, it holds it together)
  • Measure the following and cut the red center diagonally so that it turns into triangles with an xacto blade (DO NOT CUT THE OUTSIDE EDGES) on the very front piece.
  • Cut the foam and the pink cloth board on the straight lines/edges of the square so that you can remove them completely, but leave the leather as triangle flaps that can fold in. DO NOT CUT THE LEATHER OFF. Each measurement below is from the seam, not from the outer edge of the purse.
  • Superglue the flaps so that they are out of the way
  • Paint Vox onto the front


PLEASE NOTE FOR THE MEASUREMENTS BELOW IT MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM PURSE TO PURSE. Be prepared to need to repunch the holes if it’s slightly off, this was just based on my purse.

  • Punch a hole using an xacto blade ¾” from the right seam and just below the top seam that the microUSB can fit through
  • Using the xacto blade, cut holes outlined below. Optionally use a pen to make the hole bigger
  • Unmount the screen from the Raspberry Pi
  • Add heat sinks to the Raspberry Pi
  • Attach the spacers to the nuts through the purse
  • Attach the Raspberry Pi to the spacers with the screws
  • Attach the microUSB cable to the external battery and put it in the middle pocket, loop the wire once to shorten it, and push through the hole to the front pocket
  • Mount the screen back onto the Raspberry Pi
  • Plug the microUSB cable into the Raspberry Pi

Close up the purse and you’re done!

Note: It may be iffy on if it lets you shut it down without having to just unplug it

Feel free to reskin into any character you’d like.

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