Pure Data Patching Circle This Sunday 9/21
This Sunday from 3-8 PM, we will be having a Pure Data patching circle.
Pure Data is a visual “patching” programming language that is used by musicians, visual artists, and others to create programs without writing any code.
A patching circle is an informal gathering of anyone who is interested in patching languages (Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, etc.). Beginners and experienced patchers are welcome. Open to everyone – work on personal or professional projects, school work, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
We will be presenting the new features of Pd 0.46, and New Blankets Artist-In-Transit Katja Vetter will be showing her Pd patches Pico//Jockey and Instant Decomposer on the Raspberry Pi. We will also be showing Pd (Vanilla and Extended) running on the new Raspberry Pi B+.